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Water Program

Home 5 Water Program

The goal of the water program is to prevent waterborne illnesses and diseases.

Construction or Renovations

In Illinois, private water wells must be constructed or renovated by an Illinois Department of Public Health licensed well contractor. Before construction or modifications can take place, the health department must issue a private water well construction permit. We conduct inspections of newly constructed and/or renovated private wells in Bureau, Putnam and Marshall Counties.

If you need help finding a well driller, you can Search for a Licensed Well Contractor/Driller Here.

Sealing Abandoned Wells

The health department issues well sealing permits and inspects the well sealing so that underground water resources are protected.  Unused, abandoned wells are a threat to groundwater and must be properly sealed per the Illinois Water Well Construction Code, Section 920.120.  Learn more about abandoned wells.

Closed Loop Geothermal Wells

Before installing closed loop geothermal wells, a permit must be obtained from our health department. Closed loop well construction is inspected by our environmental health staff.

Water Well Testing

All new water wells are tested by our staff for Coliform/E. coli bacteria. We recommend that all private well owners test their wells for Coliform/E.coli bacteria and nitrate/nitrite content annually. Water well testing kits for Coliform/E. coli bacteria are available for purchase at each of our department locations. Nitrate and nitrite in groundwater may be produced by agricultural fertilizers, livestock waste or septic systems. For nitrate/nitrite testing, our staff can assist you in locating a private laboratory.

Testing Water for Lead and Other Contaminants

The Illinois State Water Survey provides lead testing for any household (private well or municipal supply) at a discounted price through their HEAL laboratory. Testing for lead usually applies to older homes, built before approximately 1986, where lead pipes or solder might be present. The Illinois State Water Survey HEAL laboratory also offers testing for other contaminants. For more information or to request a kit, call the Public Service Laboratory at (217) 300-7420. Prices and services offered are listed at: Home Water Testing (

Water Program Documents, Forms & Applications

Water Fee Schedule

Water System Resources